About Us
The C2 Foundation is committed to creating, supporting, and inspiring initiatives that are accessible to all and promote a legacy of wellness and lifelong learning.
The Inspiration
The C2 Foundation was created by Tamara Jarrett and Jennifer Jacobs in honor of their mothers Carolyn and Carole – the 2 C’ in C2.
Everyone needs someone in their lives to stand by their side, to teach them, to believe in them, to give them strength, and to remind them that they are never alone. We were fortunate to have mothers that gave us all of that and more, and it was an honor as we grew older to be able to return that gift.
In memory of our moms, it is our hope that the C2 Foundation will allow us to pass along that legacy of love and in doing so continue to keep their spirits and stories alive for many generations to come.

Carolyn and Carole

Our Initiatives
The C2 Foundation creates and supports several key initiatives that reflect our values and dedication to our mission.

The Starling Scholars Program
Named after Tamara’s grandmother, the Starling Scholars program has been in existence since 1998. It was one of our very first giving initiatives and was developed with the goal of making student and professional development opportunities in recreation and wellness accessible to all regardless of financial standing.